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Lactose Intolerant - What should avoid

Lactose-Free Diet: Foods to Eat and Avoid

The lactose-free diet is a common eating pattern that eliminates or restricts lactose, a type of sugar in milk.
Although most people are aware that milk and dairy products typically contain lactose, there are many other hidden sources of this sugar in the food supply.
In fact, many baked goods, candies, cake mixes, and cold cuts contain lactose as well.
This article takes a closer look at which foods you should eat and avoid as part of a lactose-free diet. 

Lactose is a type of simple sugar found naturally in milk and milk products. It’s typically broken down by lactase, an enzyme in the small intestine.
However, many people are unable to produce lactase, which results in an inability to digest the lactose in milk.
In fact, it’s estimated that approximately 65% of the world’s population is lactose intolerant, meaning that they’re unable to digest lactose 1Trusted Source
For those with lactose intolerance, consuming products that contain lactose can trigger adverse side effects like stomach pain, bloating, and diarrhoea 2Trusted Source
Fortunately, following a lactose-free diet can minimize symptoms for those with this condition.
Some people may also adopt a lactose-free diet to decrease their consumption of milk products, which they may desire to do for personal, religious, or health reasons, as well as environmental or ethical concerns, 3Trusted Source
Others may choose to eliminate lactose as part of a dairy-free diet, which is recommended for those with an allergy to the proteins in milk, including casein or whey 4
Those with lactose intolerance may choose to adopt a lactose-free diet to alleviate symptoms. Some people may also choose to follow a lactose-free diet to decrease their consumption of dairy products.


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