This blog is made for Online Journalism (JJS3313) subject under Sir Mohd Khalil Sreedaran Abdullah. Your support is highly appreciated. Thank you and happy reading!


‘He was shot twice in the head’ A trip would have to go and leave it. Go who didn’t come back ?
Just for fun reading and add on of curiosity. For those who are discouraged and easily imagined,
you are advised not to continue reading. Risk at your own self. Anyone who has thought that
during the journey from the town of Nibong Tebal you will find a dilapidated house in the middle
of this palm oil field. Just only 5 minutes’ drive from the bustling little town of Nibong Tebal to a
secluded and completely foreign area. There is a road taking you across a place called the “ Byram Estate ”,
which is the name for the oil palm plantation. JUST follow the path and you will encounter the infamous “
99-DOOR MANSION ”. Within the Caledonia House’ decayed walls from continuous years of neglect lurks
a wealth of history and mystery. This 158-year-old mansion is known as the 99-Door Mansion due to the
odd arrangement of five to six doors fitted into each room.

For the first time here, it will be thrilling and scary to see the remnants of this long-abandoned British
colonial architecture. This expedition may take place during the day but the silence of the old house
will surely make the heart still quiver. Imagine if you came here at night. Even though the way is cramped
and has no guard, it will certainly surprise you with this huge build. Just imagine in its heyday. Looking

at this home's design, it looks more like a large office than a private home. According to its history, this
house was built in the early 19th century when sugarcane plantations were introduced. It then turned
to rubber farms as a result of falling sugarcane prices and after that become an oil palm plantation.  
The mansion was once owned by one of the richest families in the United Kingdom and was built in the
The 1840s by the British settlers. The Ramsden family was known for managing a lot of estates that went
through the change of sugarcane farms to rubber farms become palm oil plantations during the changing
tides of the 19th-century plantation economy. Formerly an administrative office, the spacious structure of
the mansion comprised of 10 rooms, a balcony, a dance hall, a living room, and a kitchen.
Aside from playing a role in Malaya’s economic growth, today, the 99-Door Mansion has a murder
mystery to share. Its owner John St. Maur Ramsden who once served as the managing director of
the Penang Rubber Estates Group was murdered in 1948. He was shot twice in the back of the head
as he was going upstairs in his bungalow at the Caledonia Estate1. Even after a series of court trials,
the murder remained unsolved till today and the mansion was left unattended since the 1960s.
But even more horrifying, there were rumors that this house had been taken over by the Japanese during

There was also a warning sign posted on the wall of one of the rooms that barred anyone from
entering the room. Surprisingly, the room looks cleaner than the other rooms that are stocked.
As if it were freshly washed and cared for. But by whom? Is it really a warning or is it just causes
by vandalism?
End an expedition with 1001 questions and challenges. Brave enough to come here at night?
Come here to see people? I don't think so.



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