This blog is made for Online Journalism (JJS3313) subject under Sir Mohd Khalil Sreedaran Abdullah. Your support is highly appreciated. Thank you and happy reading!

Book Review: Girl, Wash Your Face.

Hollis asks female readers to find their inner truths in this witty guide to healthy living. Hollis, founder of the lifestyle website and married mother of four, is a self-proclaimed recovering workaholic who suffered from erroneous beliefs instilled in childhood. 

“When I succeeded, I got praise and attention I felt liked and accepted. But the moment the audience stopped clapping, it all went back to the way it was before. What this taught me is the belief that in order to be loved, I felt I needed to produce something.”   

Hollis implores readers to stop worrying about external pressures to always do more and, instead, to find fulfilment by getting in touch with their own desires and feelings. Readers will find hope and humour in Hollis’s stories as she challenges them to take control of their physical, mental, and spiritual health through regulating habits, resisting unhelpful comparisons, and embracing changes such as marriage and motherhood. 

Opening up about her now-husband and their rough first year of dating, Hollis reveals she was trying too hard to make something work that didn’t fit, and admonishes other women not to do the same by making any single person their purpose for living. 

Throughout, she pairs biblical lessons with personal anecdotes to make her points. Hollis’s dynamic book is filled with inspiration for women who feel stuck on the path to realizing their dreams.


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