This blog is made for Online Journalism (JJS3313) subject under Sir Mohd Khalil Sreedaran Abdullah. Your support is highly appreciated. Thank you and happy reading!

Happy Cov-EID 19 Celebrations

By: Nur Farah Hanim Bt Rozhan (Additional Assignment Plus 1)

 Eid al-Fitr marks the end of Ramadan and the start of a new month for Muslims, Syawal. Eid al-Fitr translates to “the feast of breaking the fast” and is the only day that Muslims are not permitted to fast. In the days before Eid al-Fitr, Muslims around the world would typically be making plans marking the end of the month-long fasting. For some, the preparation is more significant than others. In Malaysia, there is a longstanding tradition of ex-pats or Muslims returning to their ancestral villages and home towns.

Eid al-Fitr is also commonly known as Hari Raya Aidilfitri or Hari Raya Puasa in Southeast Asian countries. Hari Raya falls on the first day of the 10th month in the Islamic calendar, Syawal. For Muslims in Malaysia, it is a significant celebration recognizing self-restraint during Ramadan and symbolizes purification and renewal. It is also a time of forgiveness where Muslims often visit their elders to ask for forgiveness for any offenses committed during the previous year.
We will also decorate their homes with sparkling lights and don new traditional clothes on Hari Raya. The men who are my father wear Baju Melayu (a loose shirt with trousers) with kain sampin (a short sarong), while women often wear the Baju Kurung. Our families every year opt to dress in the same color to represent our family.

Traditionally, on the first of Hari Raya, I and my family go to the mosques for Hari Raya prayers early in the morning but this year is a bit different due to Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) so we just pray at home. After the prayer, we celebrate with family members in the same household, over specially prepared home-cooked traditional dishes unique to Hari Raya. 
 Some common Hari Raya dishes usually include ketupat, beef rendang, satay, sambal sotong, ketupat and lontong followed by lemang, cookies, cakes, biscuits, sweets and pineapple tarts. Duit raya, or green envelopes containing gifts of money, are often given to children and the elderly during Hari Raya. The rest of the day entails house-visiting, starting with the eldest (most likely the matriarch in the family), and branching out to the extended family as the day goes on. But followed by the SOPs.


Every year our family looks forward to these traditions, and this year especially most are longing for this congregation and liveliness. The customary greeting in Southeast Asia is "Selamat Hari Raya" or "Eid Mubarak" internationally, which means to wish a joyous day of celebration. The celebration of Hari Raya Puasa extends into three days and, for some, up to the whole month of Syawal, which gives us more time to visit all our extended families during weekends.
 This year, Hari Raya falls on Sunday, May 24th, and the following Monday will be a public holiday. In many countries with large Muslim populations, Hari Raya is a national holiday. Offices and businesses are closed so everyone can enjoy the celebrations together. This year’s celebrations, though they may be more solemn, will be more meaningful and intimate between immediate family members. The "CMCO" has given us more time to spend with our immediate family in the days leading up to Hari Raya, and I am certainly grateful for it.

As a family, we can get more involved with Hari Raya preparation, such as baking pineapple tarts and other Raya goodies. This year, to keep the festive spirit alive, and my mom and I will still cook the usual Raya dishes for our family. We will still be wearing our best Raya outfits, take that compulsory Raya family photo in the morning, and continue with the exchange of forgiveness, an important Hari Raya custom. Despite being physically apart from my relatives, the celebrations and festivities shall still take place with the help of virtual meetings and What’s App video calls.
Hari Raya 2020 may be different, but it will truly be memorable. It is essential that we stay safe, and if we utilize the virtual opportunities we are mastering during lockdown to connect with family and friends, we will be able to do so.


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