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Jojoba Oil for Acne

Jojoba oil is a common ingredient in different facial cleansers and skin care creams. It has vitamins, minerals, and additional properties that help clear up skin conditions and leave your face feeling replenished and smooth. Science also shows that jojoba oil has a variety of beneficial properties, including:
  • anti-inflammatory
  • antibacterial
  • antiviral
  • antiaging
  • wound-healing
  • moisturizing
These properties do more than promote healthy skin. Jojoba oil may also help you tackle acne, other skin concerns, and more. Learn how jojoba oil works for acne and how to incorporate it into your skin routine.

Research supports that jojoba oil is beneficial in treating acne as an ingredient and on its own. A 2012 German study found a clay jojoba oil facial mask effective in healing skin lesions and mild acne. Participants who applied jojoba oil masks two to three times per week saw a significant decrease in inflammation, lesions, and acne. One case study found that jojoba oil worked as a herbal drug to reduce acne symptoms.
One theory behind jojoba oil as an effective acne treatment is that jojoba oil signals your skin to balance itself. Technically a wax ester instead of an oil, jojoba oil resembles human sebum. Sebum is a waxy, oily substance on your skin. Overproduction or blocked sebum can cause acne. So when you apply jojoba oil, your skin gets the message that it doesn’t need to produce more sebum.

Look for drugstore products that advertise jojoba oil in their ingredients, or create your own mixture at home.

As a makeup remover

Pour a small amount of jojoba oil onto a makeup sponge or napkin, and wipe away your makeup gently and thoroughly. Leaving makeup on your face, even while you sleep, can lead to breakouts, so it’s important to smooth your makeup away before you hit the hay.

2. As a cleanser

Apply small amount of jojoba oil to your palm. Massage the oil into your skin in circular motions for one to two minutes. Use a warm wash cloth to wipe off excess oil. Moisturize if needed.

3. As a clay mask

Mix equal parts bentonite clay (Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay) and jojoba oil. Once you have a nice, smooth consistency, apply it to your face and neck two to three times a week for 10 to 15 minutes. Your skin may look red after you wash it off, so you may want to avoid doing this during the day.

4. As a moisturizer

Mix equal parts jojoba oil and aloe vera gel into an empty pump bottle and shake well. Pump two to three squirts in your hand and rub your hands together. Then, lightly press the mixture onto your skin and let it absorb for 15 seconds. Wipe off excess and reapply if needed. As a moisturizer, jojoba oil can last as long as 24 hoursTrusted Source.

5. As an in-shower treatment

Apply two to three pumps of the moisturizer you made to your hand, and rub the mixture. Next, press it onto the areas where you have acne, and then apply it to the rest of your skin. Let the mix absorb for a few seconds, and then rinse it off in the shower. Use a towel to gently dry off.


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