This blog is made for Online Journalism (JJS3313) subject under Sir Mohd Khalil Sreedaran Abdullah. Your support is highly appreciated. Thank you and happy reading!

The Difference Between Whitening, Brightening & Lightening Skin Care

Skin color does not determine a person's beauty. It is time we let go of outdated beauty standards where only white skin looks beautiful and glamorous.There are many skincare products that often mention these three terms. But, you certainly have no difference in whitening, brightening, and lightening? Let me explain!


True to its name, this whitening presents results that make your skin 2-3 levels brighter. Usually, this content is found in whitening creams or lotions. Whitening itself is a process of skin bleaching, usually containing ingredients that are strong enough for the skin, especially for sensitive skin. So, you should not just choose a whitening product. Make sure the product has been officially approved by NPRA and contains chemicals that are harmful to the skin.


True to its name, "Bright", which is indeed beneficial for brightening the skin. Usually, this claim is applied to facial cleanser products to make dull skin fresher and brighter, but still in the same stage. This process is not harmful to the skin, because in skincare products, often use natural ingredients to make the skin brighter.


If you often hear the demands of lightening in serum or sunscreen products, you are not wrong. Because, lightening itself helps to fade and disguise black spots on the face. Such as black spots from sun exposure, dark circles, to acne scars. Usually lightening products give significant results after several months of use.



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