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Dark and Dry Lips Now Become Pinkish With Only These 3 Ingredients. Easy & Cheap!

By: Nur 'Inayah

Beautiful little pinkish lips are indeed everyone's dream. But, for those who have problems with dry and cracked lips, it is definitely quite difficult. Don't worry girls! What do you say we try to change it by following this tip. Not only that, the effect can also be seen in a short period. Let's try it out!

Here are the ingredients needed and the ways…
1. 1 teaspoon baby oil, half a teaspoon granulated sugar & half a teaspoon Vaseline.
2. Mix the ingredients until well blended.
3. Scrub your lips with the mixture in about 3 minutes.
4. Then, rinse the lips and wipe with a dry towel.
5. Ready! Apply lip balm as usual and the lips will definitely look healthier.

If practiced consistently, the results will definitely improve. People will thought that we are wearing lipstick but hey, this is the original color you know! The combination of these three ingredients works wonders and most importantly it is safe to use.



  1. Great tips, can help my smoker friends reduce the darkness of their lips!

    1. Dont forget to share this article to them, thank you so much!


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