This blog is made for Online Journalism (JJS3313) subject under Sir Mohd Khalil Sreedaran Abdullah. Your support is highly appreciated. Thank you and happy reading!

Bulletproof armadillo puts man in hospital after shot bounces off the hard shell.

The man tried to kill the animal when he found it in his garden in Texas, United States. A Texan man who tried to shoot an armadillo has found himself in hospital after his bullet bounced off the animal and hit him in the face.

 Police in Cass County said the unnamed man spotted the small animal “on his property” at around 3am local time and decided to kill it.

His wife was in the house. He went outside and took his 38 revolvers and shot three times at the armadillo. Its hard shell deflected at least one of the bullets, which ricocheted off struck the man's jaw.

The man was airlifted to a nearby hospital in the city of Texarkana, where his jaw had to be wired shut, according to police.

It was unclear whether the armadillo survived the encounter and its whereabouts remain a mystery. They couldn’t find anything about the armadillo said the Sherrif Rowe. It is not the first time an armadillo has exacted revenge on would-be killers in the US.

Other than that, also got one resolve cases in April at the Lee Couty, Georgia, a man’s elderly mother-in-law was shot in the back after he took aim at one of the armored animals. Larry McElroy, 54, tried to kill the creature outside her home, but it deflected the bullet.

A local television station reported that it bounced off the armadillo, hit a fence, went through the 74-year-old’s back door, and through the back of the chair, she was sitting in.

Bill Smith, from Lee County Sheriff's Office, said, it just the circumstances it just comes all the way around and the whole situation was unusual.

The woman was not seriously injured. Armadillos are considered a pest by many people in the southern US, where they dig up lawns, plants, and crops. So please be CAREFULL!!.


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