This blog is made for Online Journalism (JJS3313) subject under Sir Mohd Khalil Sreedaran Abdullah. Your support is highly appreciated. Thank you and happy reading!

Man who allegedly killed three cats in the washing machine detained in probe.

PETALING JAYA - A man accused of killing three cats by putting them in a washing machine at a laundromat in Kepong, Selangor has been remanded for four days.

The Malaysian Veterinary Services Department (DVS) said the suspect would be remanded until Thursday (July 16) to facilitate the investigation into the incident on Sunday.

"Cat carcasses have been sent to the Salak Tinggi Veterinary Laboratory for autopsy," the department said in a statement on Tuesday. His statement was released following the appearance of a video showing the suspect putting the three cats in the washing machine at 12.15am on Sunday. The video went viral on social media and drew angry comments.

The statement said that the Selangor DVS enforcement officer arrested the suspect on Sunday. The Selangor Selayang Court has issued a four-day remand order, from July 13 to 16.

DVS urges the public not to speculate on cases that could jeopardize its investigation.
An investigation is underway under Subsection 29 (1) (e) of the Animal Welfare Act 2015 (Act 772) for brutally making the three cats sick and suffering, he added.


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