This blog is made for Online Journalism (JJS3313) subject under Sir Mohd Khalil Sreedaran Abdullah. Your support is highly appreciated. Thank you and happy reading!

Covid 19: My First MCO

By: Nur 'Inayah

I often see movies about pandemics, epidemics and weird infectious viruses but who would have thought that I would experience living in a pandemic, having to be quarantined and living in fear just like in zombie movies but the "zome" is the Covid-19 virus and this is not in the movies, it is the reality.

I went through a lot of things during this MCO. Firstly, I had to go through my classes online. Which was super hard at first, but Alhamdulillah, I managed to pull through. Secondly, I was kind of demotivated at home because my parents are stuck in Teluk Intan, Perak with my brother and could not cross the state borders. I was left in my home with my sister and her husband. They were staying downstairs in the guest room and I was alone upstairs. I felt a bit relieved that at least I have someone with me at home or I can go insane without having someone to talk to for months!

The first two weeks was okay for me. I enjoyed staying at home, not having to wake up early and get ready for my classes but as the MCO keep on extending every two weeks, I found myself kind of bored and feeling demotivated. I used to have all my friends together with me doing assignments, going to class and discussing about things that we do not understand regarding our studies but this time, I have to do it all by my own. I still have the chance to talk to them through video calls but things are so different than talking to them face to face because sometimes they are busy helping their mother in the kitchen or are asleep.

Few weeks passed by, I was left behind quite far from my online classes and online assignment submission because I find it hard to understand my lecturer's instructions but I am so glad that when the MCO has relaxed and my parents were able to cross states, they motivated me and helped me to understand better of the confusions that I had with my studies. I also seek help from my friends that are nearby and do our assignments together again. Although we do not have the chance to go back to our university and have classes as usual but I still manage to reconnect with my friends and family to do my assignments together and discuss about things that we do not understand.

This MCO also taught me a lot of things. I realise that the support from my friends are family is very important in order for me to succeed and push myself to be better. I also realise the feeling of the hardships of not having my parents at home. I miss them so much when they are away. Although I am at home safe and comfortable with a lot of good food, not having my parents at home affected my mood badly and made myself depressed, worried and lost. The main thing is I also realise the blessing that Allah has given to me. A lot of people lost their job, their income and lose their home as they cannot afford to pay their rent but for me, my only struggle was my disrupted emotional self and my online classes.

I do really hope that this pandemic will go away as soon as possible, the world will heal like how it is supposed to be and everyone that is affected by this pandemic are in good health and have better things coming for them. Please remember to wear a mask, practice good hygiene, wash your hands regularly and keep a distance when you are out there. Stay safe and stay at home if possible!


  1. Almost went crazy as well during MCO but I made it! Glad you feel okay after that, hope all is well!

    1. Alhamdulillah, hope all is well for you too. Thanks for reading!


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