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SIBU the Pearl Island in Sabah

      Sibu Island

 Exclusivity Redefined
Sibu the island, the best island to visit in Malaysia, consist of four islands in the South China sea. Nothing boasts of seclusion as these four islands of Malaysia, not just because of the remoteness, but also because they house two resorts only. This promotes exclusivity. This island will help you relax in all its earnestly, and it will ensure that you return to your lifestyle with happy memories. Here you can indulge in various activities that revolve around relaxation.

Best For: This place is a treat for people who are looking to unwind. You will feel yourself right in the lap of nature.

Things To Do:
·         Long walks on the beach
·         Indulging in snorkeling
·         Indulge in fishing activities

Best Time To Visit: April – September

How To Reach: You can take a taxi or avail of public transport to reach Tanjung Leman. From Tanjung Leman, you can take a ferry to reach the island of Sibu.


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