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This Is The Result of Naya Rivera's Autopsy

The disappearance of popular Glee musical series actress, Naya Rivera unraveled after police found her body six days later. The 33-year-old woman went to the lake to spend time with her child before drowning. Recently, the police revealed the results of the autopsy that had been carried out on the body.

In a statement, the Ventura County Health Examination Office confirmed the body found on July 13 belonged to Naya Rivera. The cause of death was due to accidental drowning.

On the morning of July 13, his department received a report on the discovery of a woman's body in Lake Piru. The condition and characteristics of the body were suspected by Naya Rivera and the identity was confirmed correctly after the identification process.

The body has also undergone x-ray and post mortem examination. The findings found that the condition of the body was consistent with the time the victim began to sink.

No injuries or other illnesses were identified. In fact, there is no indication that the victim used drugs or alcohol to cause an accident. However, specimens will be sent to the toxicology department for further examination.



  1. What saddens me the most is her son is too young to lost his mother and its so heartbreaking when the poor boy felt asleep waiting for his mom. Praying that he'll stay strong. Have you seen her last IG post? So sad!

    1. Yes! The captions says something like that "Just the two of us". Sad how now her son is left alone in this cruel world.


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