This blog is made for Online Journalism (JJS3313) subject under Sir Mohd Khalil Sreedaran Abdullah. Your support is highly appreciated. Thank you and happy reading!

Do Not Be Easily Influenced By Viral Cosmetic Products

The passion of our society that is easily deceived by all forms of promotion is made especially when it comes to beauty products. Do not listen to or see product advertisements that can whiten or brighten the face, will definitely look for it in the market immediately. However, do not be fooled because there are some beauty products for sale that are very dangerous because they are believed to contain mercury.

The National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Division (NPRA), Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH) urges the public to refrain from buying and using nine cosmetic products detected to contain scheduled poisons including mercury and hydroquinone. The products are Deeja Cosmetics Laika Cream (mercury), Dejaa Cosmetics Zulai Cream (hydroquinone), Deeja Cosmetics Yus Cream (hydroquinone), and Dnars Luvee Cream (Normal & Sensitive) (hydroquinone).

The other five cosmetic products are Dnars Gold Lifthing Serum (Night) (mercury), Sparkle Beauty Cream (hydroquinone, tretinoin & betamethasone 17-valerate), Sparkle Sun Day Cream (mercury), Qeziger Age-locking Recharging Spot AM Cream (mercury) and MS Skinz Night Cream (mercury).

Source: Bernama



  1. I honestly want to support local products so much but most of local products always have this issue. Heading to Watsons & Guardians again...

    1. My options are always pharmacies and shopping malls to buy skincare, I also feel the same but often gets disappointed. Dont want to risk my face either.


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