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Emotional and Social Considerations Are Influencing Buying Behaviour of Green Energy Consumer

By: Nur 'Inayah

Green energy has gained considerable research attention around the globe due to its ability to reduce environmental damage. However, even public policies are not necessary for full adoption of renewable energy; customers should be able to use green energy and contribute to environmental well-being. This ability will be increased by increasing the relative importance of renewable energy for customers. To do so, though, the current levels of perceived demand for green energy by customers have to be measured.

Emotional and social considerations have been identified to be the main influence for buying behaviour of green energy consumer. A study has revealed that — it is not only the financial aspects that lead consumers to decide on adoption of green energy. Thus, government may devise pro-green energy policies and mass messaging that cater to consumers' sense of obligation to implement renewable energy on a voluntary basis without having to focus on financial rewards.

Studies in Developed economies, such as Germany, the US and China suggest that customers — with strong environmental issues are more likely to engage in green purchasing actions. Therefore, as suggested by Newton et al. marketing and advertisement companies, publicity campaigns will be set in place to tackle unforeseen environmental challenges and thereby make the most of increasing consumer environmental concerns. Emotional benefits combined with functional benefits have been shown to enhance consumer attitudes towards green energy, increase purchase intentions and thus contribute to green energy adoption.

Renewable energy providers should also improve market awareness by presenting information on the practical advantages of renewable energy. Further outreach campaigns can be used to remind customers of the need and benefits of using renewable energy. Both directed advertisement schemes should be used on the basis of TV programs of environmental significance, tv being the most effective means of entertainment in developed countries. Past work has already explored the cognitive effects of 'real life,' but considering the optimistic perception of renewable energy, it is remarkable that more energy suppliers have not sought to make the most of this profit. 

Brand executives should use these visual representations in their marketing strategy plan, which will give rise to customer appeal. Renewable energy providers should also approach current customers of other renewable goods, as it has been found that customers using green products are more likely to adopt green electricity.

Source: Facebook



  1. Nice sharing! I also feel that emotional considerations affected my purchase of green energy. An eye opener article indeed.

    1. Yup, I hope it doesnt get in my way every time I wanna save the environment!


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