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Milk Cleanser For Oily & Acne Skin Review

For those of you who often use makeup and have a busy daily activity, cleaning your face with cleansing soap alone is not enough. In order for your face to be clean to the maximum, you should apply the double cleansing technique using milk cleanser before washing your face with cleansing soap. Milk cleanser tends to soften and effectively clean dirt on acne-prone and oily skin. 

Come on, take a look at these milk cleanser recommendations that are great for acne and oily skin:

1. Wardah Purifying Milk Cleanser, cool on the skin and not sticky

Of the many milk cleanser products from Wardah, this one is dedicated to oily skin. The formula pH balance is so comfortable on the skin. The main content is witch hazel extract which can shorten the pores so that the skin looks firmer. The creamy texture immediately feels gentle when touching the skin of the face. From the reviewers, many say that the formula of this milk cleanser is not sticky so it is very comfortable to use. 

2. Himalaya Herbals Refreshing Milk Cleanser, makes your skin fresh and radiant

The herbal extract formulation makes Himalaya Milk cleanser the right choice for oily skin that tends to have acne. Contains lemon as a natural cleansing and refreshing astringent, grapeseed for the regeneration of skin cells, as well as mint which makes your skin fresh and radiant.

Permeates to the deepest skin to clean the remnants of dirt, makeup and oil, while maintaining the skin's moisture balance. Your face will look healthier and glowy.

3. Nivea Make Up Clear Milk Cleanser, able to clean waterproof mkeup

Do you like to use makeup and have acne prone skin? Nivea Make Up Clear Milk cleanser can be the ideal cleanser for you. Able to clean dirt and remnants of makeup chemicals, even waterproof mascara.

Its Hydra IQ technology maintains skin moisture and nourishes it externally and internally. While Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects the skin from premature aging.



  1. Wow, didnt know that there's such thing as a milk cleanser!

    1. Stay tuned for more mind blowing posts from me!


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